Thursday, December 11, 2008

So long... farewell...

Tomorrow (well, today if you want to get technical) is my last CSem class EVER!! I'm ever so excited to put that experience behind me. Of course, I have to perform, but it should be easy. Our performance is going to be pretty cool, at least I hope.
Hopefully my collage (the most worthwhile thing I've done in that class) will be returned to me. It consists of lots of pictures of the beautiful man shown below.
This will be my last day of classes for the semester! It's hard to believe my first semester as a college student is almost over. I'm ready to be done with these classes, but it's gone way too fast. I was sad leaving my final Spanish class today... Adios doesn't cover it. 
At least the beastly, 10-20 page final will leave a lasting mark by kicking my ass.