Let's talk about how much I adore Pushing Daisies. (Deeply, madly, passionately, truly, eternally, etc). Everything about it is so utterly endearing. The morbid romance. The fantastical, fairy-tale setting. The absurd situations, crazy murders and outrageous villains. The endearingly screwball characters. Sweet, adorable, neurotic Ned (he's so cute). Sweet, honest Chuck, always dressed in yellow. Their ridiculously cute and impossible romance. (Remember the very first episode when they each held their own hand behind their back and pretended they were holding each other's hand? My heart melted right then and has never re-solidified.) The Pie Hole, the pie maker, pies in general. Bigby, the undead dog, eternally loyal. Sarcastic, deadpan and ultimately an oversized teddy bear Emerson (with his pop-up books, so cute). Shrill and endearing Olive. The crazy, eccentric aunts: sweet Vivian and abrasive Lily. So absurd and SO lovable. And I like the addition of the cute, awkward, needy twins, I hope they stick around.
I adore it all infinitely.
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