Batman is fucking amazing.
I watched the Dark Knight again tonight, and despite sitting on the floor of a crowded lecture hall, it was so worth it. Such a good movie. The only real word is BADASS. Pure and simple. (the scene with the truck and the bat-motorcycle! soooo badass)
The Joker is ridiculous... creepy as shit and so brilliant. I admit, I was never into Batman/superheros in general, until I saw the movies and realized that Batman isn't actually a superhero, which makes him infinitely cooler. Which makes the Joker also brilliant, because he's not actually any sort of mad scientist/robot/mutant/super whatever thing, he's just a genius and completely fucking insane. Which makes him infinitely cooler and infinitely creepier. Heath Ledger was incredible.
But I have to say, I'd def. do Batman. Just throwing that out there.